Thursday, March 12, 2015

I always find peace when im shitting in the toilet. I dont know why..I guess dumping is my me time lol.

I used to have all the books written by khaled hosseini. There were only two at that time, the kite runner and a thousand splendid suns. And I had them read like countless times, because I loved the way he wrote it, I love reading of peoples struggles in achieving their freedom. I appreciate how he puts it in writing.

Today, after many years (and i lost both books too) I watched the movie 'kite runner' for the first time. The actors couldnt have performed better..everything is as just how I read it... though of course lacking a bit of emotion that you could only get from reading. The cinematics of the movie is beautiful, perhaps because of the settings. I like places as such..i feel that theres so much to see, so many scars to intepret of, and it all hit me right in the feels.

Hati aku kalah lah dgn bende2 mcm tu.. haih. I think its because of age..makin tua, makin nak menghargai ke apa tah. Or maybe ni tgh zaman aku nak kene relate semua bende dgn hidup aku...haha..mcm bodoh je. In other words, zaman takde kerja!

Tapi bro, wujud ke orang sebaik baik hamba seperti dalam cerita tu?

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