Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Poser wei!

Penat gak ahhh poser ni, sbb aku haruslah jadi lebih rajin sikit, nak kene masak utk buka kan. MIL aku keje, mmg tak sempat ahh klu nak bagi dia je buat sume, smalam aku tinggal kat dia ikan dgn sayur utk digoreng(aku kuar dgn DH cari air utk buka) pun dia dah kelam kabut gila, sampai ribut dapur tu hahaha, kesian dia nak kene rush balik from KL and all. anyways apa guna aku kat umah hehehhe menantu mithali! :D on regular days id cook if i feel like cooking, otherwise id ask DH to take me out for a bite. tapi yang kuar makan tu mcm lately je, before puasa tahap malas aku cam melampau2 plak kan, klu tak aku suka je masak kat umah. sharpen my culinary skills tanpa bantuan sesape eh. if my mum is in good terms with me then konfem aku tanya dia sume bende, sbb aku malas gakk nak pikir camne nak masak bagi rasa camni ke camtu ke.pemalas aku ni, tu pasal blaja macam sampah, haha.tapi penat ahh, aku tido smalam dlm kol 4.40 camtu, panaskan lauk utk DH, sbb aku ingat dia nak stay up smpi sahur, tapi dia tido. so aku pun tido ahh skali, smpi time sahur aku tak sedar doh sbb when aku betul2 sedar aku dah duduk atas jamban dah pun. does this mean i slept in the toilet ke ape? kene badi mak aku, suka tido dlm jamban. haha. i slept after subuh then woke up again at 12, masak yang lambat2 dulu, patu kemas rumah, siang sayur ikan sume smpi ahh pukul 5, huu penat2. rasa mcm nak tecabut blakang aku. nasib baik SIL tolong gak siang sayur sket, basuh2 pinggan.

sebenarnye aku ni nak belagak sket in this entry. aku ada mainan baru!
 ko tau tak amender ni? hahaha ke dah lupa? aku rasa time kecik2 dulu ramai je yang main bende ni. ni la dia tuan puan, tamagotchi terbaru dari bandai. its called tama-go. the tamagotchis before have loads of various names according to its versions, and none are as bulky as this one is, even so i dont find it to be a hassle, well maybe i do actually bcause it wont fit in my pocket unlike the pokewalker. nevertheless, its super cute! and theres like functions to it which arent limited to only taking care of the tamagotchi(functions like:unlocking games, collecting points, shopping, remodelling houses) so tak boring pun ada bende ni.

the tamagothci comes with a gotchi figure which unlocks games.there are a few different figures to collect, and every single one unlocks different games and shops but for now i only have 2 of them. one comes with the tamagotchi, and the other-recently bought. its so hard to choose from the figures, cause theyre all so cute! haha nasib baik jual kat toys'r'us, cz DH ada member card and he needs to buy stuff to collect points for redemption, meaning i can pow DH for the figures whenever he goes there to buy his toys.
ni ah dia, the yellow one is Sebiretchi, and the green one-Kuchipatchi
haha, comel kann! geram je aku tgk menatang2 ni. the names given to these tamagotchi characters pun comel2 sume, all ending with -tchi which i dont know what it means exactly, but whatever, tamagotchis are fun! im on my way on collecting the rest of the gotchi figures, can play more games klu ada byk2 figure. menatang ni nak jaga dia mula2 je susah, (mula2 as in the first day je) sbb time dia baru menetas tu klu berak dia tak basuh je nnt dia sakit, patu dah ahh time awal2 tu rajin berak. the gotchis grow a year older everyday, and they can marry other gotchis to produce eggs to be taken care of as the 2nd generation of their family, and when the 2nd gen gotchi gets married and have their own eggs, then the eggs would be the 3rd gen gotchis and so on. however there can only be one egg(one gotchi) at a time in a single device so, sorry for the confusion of the word 'eggs' hehe. my gotchi character can also get mad if i dont play with it (or in other words, ignore it) and return to tama-planet, and when that happens im gonna have to start all over again, collecting points and whatever there is that needs to be done la kan. huhu. dlm awal thn ni aku ada game tamagotchi connection kat nintendo DS, tapi dah lama tak main. best gak la game dia, sbb nak kene bukak kedai tu dari kecik smpi jadi maju kan, cuma boring sbb asek2 kene buat bende yang sama to have the shops renovated. tapi klu kat DS bole shopping byk sket, and bole remodel rumah gotchi tu cantik2 sbb byk option, and of course, the DS is in full color kan. yang portable tamagotchi ni takde kaler, mcm screen calculator je. tapi takpe, menatang ni tetap best. if youre thinking of buying one to fill an empty space available in your life the you can get it at most toys'r;us outlets or at toy sections of metrojaya, parkson yadayadayada. kefor, giant aku rasa takda kot, sbb orang g situ nak beli barang murah, bukan nak bazir duit kat bende2 mcm ni. not to say bende ni expensive laa, harga dia standard macam mana2 tamagotchi pun, RM89.90 je. and the figures sells for RM29.90 each. ape lagi beli wei, comel ni! huhu

DH skarang tgh gila lego. sbb ape, sbb dia nak tiru kawan dia, si mily tu, but takpe ah, bende membazir duit ni mmg best pun, hahaha. cantik to collect but then tempat takde doh nak letak dlm bilik ni, how i wish we had a proper display cabinet to put in all the lego's DH recently purchased.
 can you guess what this is? haha, not telling. will put more pictures of the completed legos nnt when im bored doing everything else, and totally feel like blogging, only then you'll see what this actually is. i think ill have an early night tonite, mengantukk dohh. esok nak bgn sahur nak bagi gemok aku ni makan lagi. dah ahh makan tabur2 kotor baju sume, bajet2 baby ah tu. tahpape tah. haha.

kata2 azimat hari ni:
klu tak solat time bulan pose ni baik ko takyah pose la wei. iyerr solat bukan la syarat sah poser tapi  rukun islam kot. apa kata time bulan pose ni, klu ko jarang2 solat before, rajin2 kan la plak. mana tau tebukak pintu hati nak terus solat thereafter kan kan kan. aminn. moga bila dah terbukak pintu hati tu, Allah SWT melindungi dirimu dari perkara2 yang keji.

ngantok woi!

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