Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Game baru yang tak brape nak baru

Haritu ada kuar g tgk Hangover 2, DH sebok gila nak tgk, aku rasa biasa je, tapi sbb mcm best gak ahh ada cita nak tgk, lama tak tgk wayang kan, aku pun excited skali sikit2 la. huhu. my verdict- ok laa mcm yang first gak. same same same ol' story. DH as predicted akan ckp best gila movie tu dah dia suka kan, biased opinion ahh,
after getting the tickets for the movie, we went window shopping at video game stores. DH beli game Top Gun, yang movie tuu, pasal pilot tu, padahal game dia dah habis bongok dah, tapi dia beli gakk, kononnye because Top Gun is his all time favourite movie, and a HD version of the movie comes with the game so telah dibazirkan 135rm disitu.aku bising2 ckp tak best beli lain, but he insists on keeping it, and tells me that i can get another game for myself. mula2 nak beli tomb raider 3in 1, tapi last2 beli InFamous. cina tu kata best, so beli je la, tapi harga dia mcm taik mahal, klu beli online i bet bole dapat less than 100rm, sbb game lama doh, skarang dah ada infamous 2 kott, but whatever, we bought it anyways(despite bargaining to no avail, malas nak cara lama2 rembat je).

uhh, i did say DH said i could pick a game for myself, and i went with infamous, so since its my game, im the one who's supposed to be playing it most of the time kan?

aku main sikit je, patu lek jap, DH sambung main smpi skarang, haha. slalunye klu game tu aku punye, aku main byk, DH ni backup jee bila aku tension main tak siap2 satu mission. ni terbalik plak! tapi takpe, tgk DH main pun best gak, game dia best gak laa aku tgk , mcm Assasin's Creed, because main character ada unnatural powers, and missions to complete by time, and sub missions to do if you decide to take a break from the main ones. mcm GTA gak, cuma GTA tu real stuff la, takde la electric powers,world destruction yadayadayada. conclusionnye, game dia agak best sehingga terdetik di hati DH untuk beli sequelnye.

aku tgk iklan fitflop, mcm best je nak pakai gak ahh sandal tu, haha. DH ckp boleh beli, yay!
white looks pretty, but aku malas ahh nnt kotorrr

ni pun cam comel gak, tapi kang tak kene dgn baju bajan aku.

no i dont want my bum to look smaller im happy the way it is thanks
FitFlop is a brand of flip flops that is marketed as being able to help tone your legs and bum as you walk in it. I’d known about it for a while now, but scepticism stopped me from trying it out. That and the hefty price tag. DH pun mula2 cam 'what?! beli asadi je sudah' but since raya is just around the corner, and he bought himself a 800rm G-Shock which i think is unnecessary but he defends himself by saying his old watch-strap is ruined. changing he strap would cost 150 at most, but he just had to get a new watch, and i know why.. because theyre in season and most of his friends are crazy about collecting various models of the new G-Shock. DH ni easily influenced gakk laa kiranya. poyo je nak kata aku. haha padahal dia tuh?
Anyways, FitFlop claims that it will:-

-tone and trim your legs as you walk with the microwobbleboard technology that makes your legs work harder than in normal shoes or slippers
-gives a faster more muscle engaging walk
-relieve back pain
-improve posture

I saw it at Great Eastern Mall last year when it first came in(i think that was when they first came into the Malaysian market, cz ive never seen them anywhere else before, let alone heard of them), kinda caught my attention, so i decided to check it out then but gaped at the price. It starts from RM268 a pair (there are cheaper models now)… yes yes, you can stop looking that horrified now… its way beyond the range of “normal flip flops”. DH says i have an eye for expensive things, hahaha, maybe i do but hey, its normal for eye catching things displayed openly in a mall to be over-priced laa. Even so, i didnt feel like getting a pair at that time, because i was comfortable with my Nikes, but guess who succumbed to the hype of having buns of steel as you walk your way to fitness? ME. hahaha.

I never had suffered from back pain, posture problems ke apa, tapi i have to say la kan, mmg part bagi muscle kat kaki tu aku tertarik laa jugakk, hahaha. plus sandal yang aku ada skarang asadi adik aku yang aku cilok time kuar rumah haritu, and a pair of covered shoes from clarks. bosann ahh asek pakai clarks tu je, cam tak fesyenebel lgsung, haha amboiii byk plakk songeh kau kan sarah. mmg takbolehh nak berangan laa yang kaki aku boleh jadi seslim gmbar yang yang aku taruk tuu, dah aku dapat baka from my dad's side, apa boleh buat kan, peha nenek aku pun mcm batang pisang gak, ayah aku pun lebih kurang je cuma sbb dia laki, so tak obvious mana punn. tapi muscle tu mmg penting ahh bagi aku, because having more of it makes me a better person, better as in better in sports la, for endurance and strength oh you know to help me last longer in marathons and games.. and perhaps in the future, i wont have body aching problems like most of the seniors who exercise less when they were younger kan kan kan. insyaallaahhhhhhh. so bagi aku, biar laa besar pun, janji lean beb, mmg syiokk ahh klu bole endure sukan lelama, nak training pun sedap, bila dah smpi tourney lagi laa sodap.

aku nak beli suar tido gak. priority choices are from la senza laa, tapi klu DH consider balik patu rasa nak beli kat kefor je giant ke aku redha jee. janji tak panas sedap pakai. tapi yang la senza punye mesti sedap gila kan b kan. nnt tido u nak peluk2 pegang2 pun sedap, haa klu yang kefor, giant tuu nnt u pgg2 terus berbulu camne? tak best la kan camtu, hahaha.

eii geramnyee aku tgk baju ngan suar ni, rasa macam nak semua jee. tapi klu DH bagi pun, konfem2 dia bagi aku beli selai dua je, sbb sebijik suar pun dah seratus beb. agak mahattt juga woooo ini brand, tapi itu harga standard barang kat La Senza, takde pun yang mahal gila tak bertempat. (ceh tak mahal lagi, padahal klu beli kat mydin 5 hinggit je hahahaha, mana satu pilihan bijak?) alaaa mahal2 sedap pakai ahh b, utk kesejahteraan bersama. huahuahua.

harini aku masak sup tulang, MIL masak hati lembu. best gak makan sup tulang, lama tak makan, nak plak masak pakai pressure cooker, mmg sit back and relax laa, no hassle at all. MIL cuak aku tak reti masak sup tulang tu, dia dok bgtau aku soh masak ikut cara makcik DH. padahal sama jee macam mak aku buat, and ive seen my mom at it a thousand times, so mmg takpayah risau mesti jadi punye ahh.

east coast dishes mcm byk singgang, kiranya masak mcm simple gila laa, tapi when it comes to some stuff, manis tu, byk sgt guna in every dish, jadi tak best ahh bagi aku. in the end, the stuff cooked by my mum jugak terbaek. tak tau la tu makanan negeri mana kan mak aku masak tapi the balance in flavours mmg perfect ahh, not one sided je. i enjoy cooking for iftars alot because it makes me think real hard of how my mum prepares stuff and its a chance for me to vary my cooking methods. klu tak ingat tu aku bedal je cara sendiri. FIL tak bagi aku masak, sbb dia nak makan yang MIL masak. ololo manjenyeww hahaha, tapi tak bgtau aku straight in the face pun, dia ckp kat MIL je, tapi aku kesian tgk MIL penat balik keje kan, haha, so FIL nak taknak, suka tak suka, aku masak gakkkkk. klu weekend tu mmg aku biar je, tolong pun tolong kemas dapur je sbb aku tak tahan tgk dapur semak time masak... how can you cook bila keadaan sekeliling serabut beb? i know i cant. lagisatu plakk, dapur rumah ni boleh pakai seblah je, yang lagi seblah i think theres something wrong with the gas knob, causing the gas to not be distributed to the hob. nak kene tunggu gas habis baru bole panggil orang check apa pasat. so proses memasak tu takboleh nak lumpsum laa, kene buat satu2, which makes preparing for iftar a slow process, lagi2 time masak lewat. mmg tunggang tebalik dapur!

pasal game cite, barang2 aku nak shopping, masak2 kat dapor, sume bende ada, chacha marbaaa weii duniaa semua ni, hahaha.

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