Friday, July 22, 2011

DH's cousins

the pictures am about to post are actually last weekends pics. malas punye pasal nak transfer masuk dlm pc, maka lambatlah gambar tersebut diwarwarkan.(photos are taken with my sony yang luarannye suda seperti jahanam tetapi function still like new)

DH and me

we look like retards wakakaka

DH's cousin(mangsa keadaan)

Jack Black endon. with his nacho wife.

Aku buat ape kat DH sehh hahaha

This was at (rahsia) and the longest time i had spent in a pool since holidays started. masa aku kat usm, gila punye jakun lama tak swimming, ,evertime i went to the pool mesti i spend like an hour or 2. swim smpi bengkak badan, ahaha. skarang, malas2 je, bila tgk tu nak pegi, bile tak tgk tu, takpe je ahh. adakah sbb aku mengandung yang aku jadi pemalas sebegini? haha. cousin DH yang jadi mangsa keadaan tu kesian betul.dia pakai trunk tu(which klu tak silap aku, bukan trunk pun, suar mandi tapi pompuan punye) patu bende tu longgar la jugak. senang nak tarik. abang dia jahat gila g cabut suar dia so he's left to be naked in the pool. i find it hilarious, yelahh, cz he's family, tapi tetiba ada cina ni bru nak swim tekejut when she immersed he head into the water(she was wearing goggles) patu dia terus g komplen kat guard, hahaha. mcm babi je. padan muka ko tak lalu nak berenang. kitorang ahh conquer pool. all thanks to kasyah, the naked boy :D

kurik ni mmg geng aku la beb, dia suka tgk squash doh.haha, aku bukak tv nak tgk cimb malaysian open smalam, and he immediately jumped onto the television cabinet and sat right in front of the thats my kind of cat ;)
ke sbb dia tgk kasey brown?kucing jantan kann.

mata dok ikut bola.klu kurik reti main, konfem bole jadi star!

smalam DH and me kitorang balik hari ke kemaman nak amek e'ek. i drove on the highway, DH took the curvy ones, patu balik mmg penat gile ah sng cite. tapi ok laa sbb bawak fiesta. seblum ni bawak aveo, 150 da begegar. putra pun bukan bole rembat sgt, silap2 temperature naik. aku tekan 180 ok lagi haha tak rasa laju pun. bagus kete ni. minyak? parak gak. maybe sbb speed aku tak consistent. klu tak aku rasa saving gak la kete tu. e'ek plak as i feared, telah dijangkiti kutu, so were going to have to bring her to the vet asap. sbb aku jadi gatal2 bila bulu kucing kotor(berkutu) kene kulit aku. aku rasa byk cacing, tu yang aku gatal lebih tu, so nak kene deworm kot. however, despite the unfortunate mite attack, e'ek da jadi gemok gila babi! haha, berat sehh. and her face looks more of a mainecoon now. i dont have pictures of her yet, sbb aku malas nak masukkan mmc dlm camera. nnt bila bawak pegi vet aku letak ahh gambar.

i remembered my aunt once told me

'youre already married, now lets work on mending relationships'

how am i supposed to try and mend something that does not want to be mended, but prefers to stick to their own beliefs and pride? huuuu, tough call ni bro. of course, in the end, sumenye terletak pada diri sendiri. takpayah nak puaskan hati with 'if aku tak dapat dia then nobody will' takde gunanya pun.

i feel fat. i think i wanna go for a jog.

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