Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lazy Sunday

a senior of mine from highschool got married today, congrats to her. tapi aku tak pegi, sebab dah beberapa hari mata aku lelap kol 3pg, patu siang tak tido. makanya harini lepas settle keje pagi, terus aku naik mandi tuka baju tido and tido balik hahaha. tu pun tido2 ayam sbb DH kacau. 

glad its a holiday tomorrow after a few days of being fully occupied. no work needs to be done today. can make myself lazy all day long, manyak syiok ma!

dah beberapa hari jugak aku tak makan dgn betul. rasa lapar gila pun aku buat bodo je, malas nak g makan. effect dia dlm masa terdekat mmg syiok, perut leper. tapi aku risau gak long term nnt, metabolism jadi haywire, blood sugar levels would rise and drop sharply ke ape.. takpe2 nnt aku betulkan balik. gotta eat frequent meals, no simple carbs, drink plenty of water, and most importantly exercise. skarang ni sbb hati tak bape nak tenteram makanya tak bape nak pikir pasal fitness and diet. 

oh DH's cousin, baru dajah 1, tapi semangat gila nak putihkan kulit. pakai bedak sejuk setebal seinci kat muka

i told her that she would then only be fair in the face and remain dark everywhere else, and she said dont worry when this one dries up ill put it on the rest. and then i said, you din put any around your eyes and mouth, i bet youd look like batman when youre done. and she looked worried, haha. kids.

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