Friday, February 3, 2012


Ada bos aku sorang tu cakap jiwa aku ni jiwa fighter. Fighter mende aku taktau la, fighter suka gado dgn orang for what i think is right kot. Because thats exactly what im doing rite now.

If people were to say that im exactly like my father, then i will be exactly like my father. If they were to say that i am not how they expect me to be, then be it. I for one thing, cannot please everybody. And neither can everyone please me, so gotta learn to live with it la kan.

Bagi aku, memang senang. Takleh nak find an agreement between, then dont say anything. Because tak guna pun klu aku cerita bende yang sepatutnye dibuat, tapi orang nak kata dia betul jugak. No point in it pun kan.

Tapi orang tgk mcm aku amek sume bende ever so easy. Things cannot be complicated unless you choose to make it so. For example a thing takes 10 minutes to make but because the thought of making it complicated makes the product even more better maka haruslah buat sejam.

Tak dinafikan, certain things are made to be that way. Tapi klu dijumpa method utk shorten the period, simplify it, then why not kan? Takkan laaaa bende dah buat sebulan ok je, tetibe sehari dua tak jadi, then nak kene tuka cara tu? Wouldnt it be better if the problem is rooted out? So that the simplicity of the method be preserved? Ke takboleh nak terima bende aku ckp ni? Kalau tgk aku degil semacam tu then biar je. Kalau bende yang aku buat tu salah, kene batang hidung aku sbb aku degil nak buat cara aku, then aku akan see thru nasihat2 orang. Tapi klu aku rasa salah tak heavy mana then aku buat jela ikut suka aku.

But then again, it is the law of nature that age dominates decisions. Thats whats said to me, diri sendiri tak tau la kan sedar ke tak.

Ikut la ikut la. Im nothing but a stranger anyways. I bet things would be different of i were actually born in the family yes? Dont have to bust my brains thinking of how to impress and cast myself away when i dont live up to expectations.

Truth is casting self away isnt all that necessary. I myself made it compulsary because i cant live with the fact that i have to do something that can be done otherwise. And if being in the crowd makes people have the right to tell me how to live my life, then takpe. Nak nasihat, ada caranye. Klu aku tak dgr then maybe cara dia tu tak kene dgn aku. Cuba lagi lain kali ehh klu rasa concern. True, i am one difficult person to deal with emotionally. Tapi alaa, bukan aku je yang difficult, ramai je lagi. Org buat2 tak nampak je.

Aku ni tulis sbb aku tgh marah. Writing it down, and making it visible makes it easy for me to explain myself. Because i ramble and babble if i were to say things when angry. Takde composure. Haha.

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