Wednesday, January 2, 2013

And they came back

DH's aunt went to the states for a month long holiday, and came back yesterday. His dad went too, but returned a couple of days earlier than they did.

Trust me no one else brought back this much shopping load..12 kotak bai. masa bukak kotak2 kat rumah, yang tukang bukak tu sampai hidden by heaps of stuff.

Kakak n me, ke ni gmbr time nak g australia? Byk ngt gmbr dlm epot.. Dok ingat hok ane se.

if only you noticed...

I got my fair share out of their trip lol. A couple of ed hardy tshirts and a fitflop sandal thanks to mok ini.. I really like the sandals, especially cz i havent worn mine in a longg time. The FIL got me a large backpack, for me to go to school with lololol. And a pair of skechers. Fyi, most of the stuff i received are dark colored a.k.a black lol.

But theres this one thing that i paid for myself, this one thing that still isnt available in malaysia. This one thing that i used to look forward into getting, but not anymore cz im more interested in a later model but only had enough dough for this one but whatever la kan. This is what im talking about

interface yang stylomylo

The 'for fashion purposes only' Nike+ FuelBand. Nike claims it to be an accurate sportsband that will function as an activity tracker that converts it into fuel points, displaying how active you are for that day. It also calculates calories burned, steps, and displays the time.

The first thing i thought of when i saw the new reviews(it was just released then) on it being accurate was- 'damn i gotta have this thing, dah la design cool gila, can track yadayadayada' and kebetulan pulakk geng2 ni nak pegi states hujung tahun, mmg kelam kabut la aku mencari sumber duit nak beli natang ni.

So the pay i received from working at MAHA was used to purchase this band... It was weird that i wasnt that excited or anxious for them to return with my fuelband, cz usually i would feel restless since its something i want real bad plus i had to stand hours for 10 days just so i could buy this thing. Rupenye bila aku tergerak hati nak bukak balik review on it, which by now dah ada banyak review baru since bende tu dah berbulan2 released kan, i found out that it isnt accurate at all. My heart sank a bit reading the latest reviews, but whatever.. Dah beli. Nak suruh dorang tukar product yg lg baru tapi xstylo mana cuma accurate la kan, pun mcm xbest la sbb they made their move to another state already. Jadinye aku redha. Org dah tolong belikan pun syukur la ye.

so asal aku cakap for fashion purpose only? sbb hakikatnye buat masa ni mmg pakai kat tangan buat gaya jela.. bila tekan button tu keluar display fuelcount sume tu nampak stylo la untuk menunjuk nunjuk, sbb konfem akan membuat orang seblah menjeling dan bertanya didalam hati ,wow bende apa tu sehh. hahaha. plus bende ni rare kat malaysia, so untuk sementara waktu ni, boleh laa nak bangga pakai, wakakakaka, kalau orang tanya gaya2 macam nak beli gak kan, aku ada hak la nak kata ,kat sini takde jual bro... barang rare ni, wakakaka, amboiiii perangai syaitan apakah yg telah merasuk diriku ini hoi! Hahhh nevertheless fuelband ni ok je. Sbb aku snarnye nak guna jam dia je.yg data collected tu aku buat anggaran jela kan. Plus nike updates its firm/software so i guess its bound to get better soon. Maybe even accurate lol. Sensor dlm bende ni bole program je ke untuk jadikan dia more accurate? Ke nak kene guna technology baru? Tak reti la aku wehh. Takpela.. Buat2 mengaharap jela that this thing would measure it right, pulang modal sket!


  1. Beli kat mana Australia je? Juak kat saya 600.serious ni.

    1. beli kat us bro.. mmg x la jual kan. brg rare kot. haha.
