Thursday, January 17, 2013

untuk kepentingan sendiri

i hate it that the government has to come up with the issue of e-cigs being harmful and trying to ban the product in the country when theyre actually upset because theyre not getting a part of it. dude, e-cigs are proven to be much less hazardous than analogues, everybody knows that, well atleast the people who has done their research on it. since the government is trying to make people quit smoking by putting a lot of money in campaigns that never prove to work, why not let this better alternative do the job?takpayah nak bazir duit on useless attemps. but then..its all about the moneyyyyy.

they want you to quit smoking, but at the same time they fucking want you to keep on buying cigarettes, cz thats how they fucking twist and turn everything and make money for themselves. damn corruption...

its amusing how money and power can make men, and even women(referring to Zohra from the recent mahasiswa gathering thing lol) do and say things that makes sense at first but turns out that its all stupid just to hypnotize the audience for that brief moment, needing support in order to reach the top.

personally, aku suka e-cig ni. DH owns one, he stopped smoking analogues for about 4 months now. im now so used to the sweet fumes of his vaping that when my father in law smokes on analogues anywhere near(the house were staying in now is pretty small so anywhere is near lol) the smell of him doing so makes me want to puke, literally. our room doesnt smell like shit anymore, DH doesnt spend as much as he did on cigarettes,  well yea the mod(the vaping device), a well worth buy would cost you around 1k, maybe more if you include accessories and tuning to what suits you best, and when you do, you will find that it costs you less than when you were on analogues, kira benti rokok setahun dah balik modal dahh beli natang tu. his breath doesnt smell like ass in the morning anymore and he no longer reeks of smoke... sapa yang tak suka bau wangi doh?

of course, bahaya tu tetap ada... nicotine ada gakk dlm liquid vape ni, but takde la bende2 pencuci jamban, tar, and all other 99 990 chemical substances yg ada dlm rokok tu(kempen anti rokok kata ada 10000 chemicals lol, e-liquid ada 10 jer). nak prove takyah nak mintak kat aku la kan, aku bukannye tulis thesis kat blog ni, but i did a fair amount of research on it and ini summary aku la. aku bengang je tgk orang dok post pasal tv3-mhi kat facebook tu kan. and disebabkan aku menyokong laki aku menyedut asap wangi+sedap ni 100%, mmg aku bengang la kalau dia nak cakap macam2 untuk nak buat barang vape ni jadi illegal or whatever profiting shit theyre up to. sebab in the end, the government always gets their way, tak kira laa orang buat perhimpunan bapak apa pun kan.

haih.dangggg son,  why cant they just let people vape in peace?

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