Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ahh loads to tell so little patience..

Went to cameron highlands last week sbb DH ckp apehal xnak ikut dah kawen sume nnt org kata apa plak, yolahhhh.. Bukannye kalo u kuar lepak tak bawak i org kesah pun da kawen ke tak kannn. U sendiri pun xkesa. Anyways before we went to cameron we bought an auto feeder for the fish, but no fan. Cz we decided to use the super large fan, yg org pakai kat kedai makan tu, to maintain the temperature.

Maka kononnye dgn bende2 tu kitorang pun gerak la ke cameron..aku rasa tak sedap hati la jugak bila teringatkan ikan tapi DH kata dah letak feeder sume kan so nk risau apa.

Taknak risau pun xboleh jugak brooo.. Balik dari cameron masuk je bilik, Allahuakbar! Disaster. The feeder din exactly feed the fish, and the fan, being super powerful, had blown half of the water out of the tank and all over our room, soaking the bed. Aku baru tuka cadar tu tau seblum pegi! I totally felt like bursting into tears time tuh. Nasib baik DH kemas balik sume bende..kalau tak, sedih aku tau.

The next day nak mengubati hati yg luka sbb a couple of corals perished while we were gone and we wanted to return some fishies cz they were being such a bully to the tang and the new yellow banded maroon clown, kitorang pegi beli ikan. A mandarin, a bicolored angel, a red striped angel, and a bicolored chromis. Tangki tak smpi 2 ft tapi ikan macam untuk 5 ft haha.

The angels were shy when introduced to the tank, and the bicolor died the next day..dammit. The red stripe seems to be doing fine now and isnt as shy, which is good that i get to see the pretty fella more often.

Semangat je cite pasal ikan.. Cameron haritu ape cer kan? Best la jugakk.. Tapi sejuk ahh sbb musim hujan skang. Taun lepas aku g takde la sejuk camtu jadi aku tak bawak ah stokin ke jadah ape pun. Silap besar silap besar.

Aku suka la g cameron dgn family. Sume org cam kaki jalan patu sporting so it was fun. The only thing i disliked was the homestay, especially the toilets. Ahhhhhh. Bilik kecik. Patu ada plakkk dia position katil tu rapat dgn jamban. Haduiii. Nak taknak tido jela. Bape hari je pun nak kene tahan kan. Seriau dohh bila pikir tido dekat ngan jamban.. Kalau jamban tu cantik and konfem bersih takpe gak. Memalam bila tido badan keras je enn hahaha rasa geli nak gerak bnyk sgt. Dahsyat woi.

Bukan nak menggedik..masalahnye tak biasa. Bukannye dari kecik duduk rumah camtu. Masuk asrama pun nasib tandas dia tak dahsyat camtu..jadi mmg tak biasa la cite dia enn.

Akhirnye, we bought mists of pandaria. Skarang tgh sibuk levelling.. Aku takde masa sgt sbb nak buat keje and all. So far baru naik 2 level. Tu pun benanah jugak ahh. Dungeons are taking forever to que for, and levelling by quests takes about 6 hours per level.

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