Friday, October 19, 2012

About continuing studies

Regarding my application to ukm.

Im accepted into marine science! Ehh apa ni kata geology.. Geology penuh katanye. Padahal dia gerun tgk result aku time kat usm. Haha.

Aku sejak azali mmg suka gila tgk documentary on animals. Memula kononnye nak jadi marine biologist tapi bapakkkkkk aku kata xpayah you dont even know what that is. Suruh ngat aku jadi doktor. Time skolah aku xmenyerlah pun jadi aku tau dah mmg xboleh kan. Masuk matriks dapat sains fizik, was excited because i was soo into mathematics and physics at that time tapii paksa aku tuka sains hayat so that boleh jadi doktor. Nak wat guane, aku pun tuka ah. Din do that well, boleh 3.03 je, sbb sem satu mcm tahik.

Maka dgn ini ditakdirkan untuk aku xjadi doktor.

Masuk usm, tgh gila squash plak en. Xbape blaja. Course dah molek ni, something that i think i could fluorish in, tapi interns punnn xleh nak buat kat tempat yg sepatutnye. Bosan2. Last2 kantoi kawen lari, no more usm.

A year of not studying made me think of what i really want to do with my life. Of course there were doubts at certain points, and there was a time when aku xmboh blaja dah, nak niaga je. But then susah.. Sbb skarang sewa pun dgn family, share plak tuh. When they move, we gotta move too. It takes a while to build a customer base someplace new, and its costly to rent a house thats big enough for us to cook and all ourselves. I personally think its doable, but when youre married, your thoughts dont qualify to make final desicions.

So we end up with the call to continue our studies. Im confident this time, that ill pass with distinction. Be on deans list whatever smart shit there is. Marine science is pretty easy to excel in because it has loads of coursework and my epic favourite favourite part, scuba diving.

Exciting things are bound to happen soon in the future, or not, lol we'll see.

Oh oh theres a grand final squash circuit in UKM this weekend. I went over to play with them and theyre like 'HOMAIGOD ko dah kurus doh dulu ko gemok gila' mcm babi je. Hahaha.

Yang best skali ada makhluk asing ni cakap aku cantik...wakakakakaka. Berbunga hati i tau u ollsss. Time kasih ye! DH ckp aku cantik bila aku tny sendiri. Yela takkan dia nak kata tak cantik plak bila aku dah tny kannn. Tu pun bole laa.. Geli hati gak aku dgr. Tanya 'b, i cantik tak' hari2 buat hiburan diri.

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