Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apa ini?

Buah tu tambah performance..

So finally the ukm officials all of which i got to know from squash, have all united to help me with my application. Alhamdulillah la kan, nasib baik la aku main sukan. Ada la jugak gunanye bersosial kat court tu.

My admission is yet to be confirmed but they said its just a matter of time cz theres definitely a place for me. I dont know what im gonna be studying though. Might be geology, environmental or maybe marine science. Dang son, i really want to go for marine, boleh g scuba sokmo! But DH wont let me, so kedekut. Tuih. But whatever, aku pun malas nak memilih sgt.. Janji habis degree je.

Masa cite2 dgn geng2 tu aku bising la yg pasal aku malas nak mintak kerajaan ni sbb kerajaan poyo. Mintak tuka pun macam2 alasan dia bagi konon nak bagi nampak mcm susah gila nak masuk uni tu. Patu smalam time dia tepon aku dia cakap ' pasni takyah ckp la kerajaan tak bgs kan, kerajaan bagus tau nak tolong u ni. Haha.bila lagi nak pekena u!' ahaha. Untung la sporting. Kalau jenis poyo tu susah gak.

MOP is like a couple of days away je homaigodddd kene cari duit cepat ni! Patu activated carbon kat filter tank nak kene tuka.. Dah pakai sebulan. Patu haritu my yellow butterfly died, kecian dia. I think the drastic water change shocked the little fella. The tank is doing well. Every living thing in it is eating regularly. I dug the small anemone out from the hole and put him away from the big ones so that he could have his own space and not shut itself up all the time, its hard to feed it when its shrivelled. Only the purple anemone seems stressed, cz it looks like its about to split itself up. Or maybe its splitting cz its time to do so, i dont know. Its not like i can ask it why. Anyways splitting doesnt harm it, its just a way of how they reproduce.

If the water parameters are right by the end of this weekend were gonna start on reefing. We bought a live rock recently that still has a living coral on it, thought it was dying but it still glows brightly after a week. I think it lives cz the temperature is low, and the water isnt so bad either. Corals need to be placed in a 26c or lower tempd tank to survive or theyd perish...other important supplements for it to thrive-calcium and magnesium.for the colors to pop out pun ada, and it also feeds on phytoplankton dan seangkatan dengannye and every single bottle of those stuff(reefs in tanks are all maintained by liquid conponents) costs no less than 40 each. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!

I miss my mom and my sibs. Not the idiot brother though. Jerk who thinks he's all it.

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