Tuesday, July 17, 2012


so ive been cut off from DH's line of business because according to him i am lazy and stubborn ; p i should be happy no? cz i can just relax and not have to do a thing? but weird, i dont feel that way, and the reason for that is because i think he actually just couldnt stand me nagging when we dont share the work. ape la, manje sungguh. haha. its not like i nag all the time, only just recently, because i have anemia, and it makes me feel super tired sometimes, even just by walking, which makes him think that i prefer to sleep rather than helping him.

seriously, i dont mind doing work, cz i wasnt raised to be lazy, i started ironing at 8 or nine, mind you. cleaning the house and stuff, its what my parents taught me to do. of course there are times when i am lazy to do anything, but how i was brought up makes me have that small feeling of being responsible, terutamanya when bende2 tu specifically berkaitan dengan aku, like my room, or my working space, etc.

DH, it hurts when you think that im purposely being lazy and not wanting to help you ;( sob sob. omg its like totally my job to be helping you. because we are family. we are starting our own family and we had all the help we needed with starting the business and now that were doing well for ourselves why listen to others on things that we dont have to do?

if youre worried about me not being able to continue my studies or whatever, you really dont have to be, studying is lifelong la, nnt ada rezeki nak belajar pegi la belajar sampai bengkak otak. ni masa aku tgh semangat nak tolong tolak aku tepi plak. tak remaja la macam ni bro, haha. makan gaji ni bukan boleh selesai masalah pun. nak niaga, niaga jela, takut sangat nnt kalau ada anak susah nak tanggung la whatever. i personally think that anak bukan masalah. nak duit macam2 boleh buat. paling senang niaga la.

pasal buat nasi dagang ni pulak, kalau la sememangnye hakikat hidup yang orang terengganu je boleh buat nasi dagang, kenapa laaaaa suruh aku blaja buat dari awal? aku ni orang modern, mesti la buat cara modern. sbb nasi dagang ni, in my opinion, senang gile je nak buat. yang lecehnye nak kene basuh periuk banyak. tu pun tak banyak mana la skarang dah rempah buat kat mardi kan. siap pack bagai. bau rempah tu kurang sbb aku tunggu sampai betul2 garing, taknak bau dia hilang, takyah tunggu sampai garing. senang je. santan, kalau dah masak menggelegak tu, camane laa nak basinyeee. kalau basi nasi tu pun, sbb letak dalam bekas tertutup. baru ni ok je sampai esok tak basi hok yg letak dalam mangkuk. pakcik DH pun cakap bende kalau nak pegi big scale, cara kene ubah bagi senang tu yang orang buat kitchen masak makanan besar besaran, lab bagi try and error new ways of preparing to ease the workload, orang kene cari untuk buat kerja, kalau tak mcm tu je la. jual blakang rumah sampai bila2. itu pun boleh hidup tau, cuma duit nye camtu jela. nak duit lebih kene la usaha lebih.

tapi who am i to say things kan, im just the girl whos lazy and always complaining and stubborn ;p tula. skarang tak suka plak aku degil, dulu time aku kata takyah la kawen dgn aku sbb aku ni degil, mak aku cakap dia pun tak larat nak layan perangai aku ni plak dia. aku ingat mak aku cakap,
'ntah2 baru kawen dah mati sakit jantung dengan perangai u ni' and dont tell me i din mention this to you ok DH, because i did many2 times, and you were like, takpe i nak duduk dgn u je.

dah, skarang duduk la dgn i betul2. pressure ni sume kejap je, later when were all good then we can get our own place or whatever. people might say its impossible or cuba nak tunjuk kat you keadaan malaysia skarang ni that people who dont earn enough can never buy a house, takpela, biar je dorang. kita usaha la smpi boleh. its just natural for that to happen, because people are what they are, and since its family it happens cz they care and of course they want the best for you, DH.

but sometimes caring too much can be disastrous. i made the same mistakes my mom did, which is to tell on DH. sorry DH, but it happens when you dont have a mom to talk to. otherwise i guarantee you only my mom would know, and she would know better of not to menyindir and stuff. or maybe she wouldnt, hahahaha.

ahh tapi takpe la, just to please you, esok aku g ah tanya pasal blaja tu. walaupun hati aku berat snarnye nak blaja ni sbb aku dah plan lain tapi tetibe im being pushed away, booo ;'(

blaja pun blaja la. jgn marah plak kalau aku aktif kat uni nanti.

oh oh pastu aku nak kututt mengutut sikit la kan, hahahaha, theres this one blogger, who really fascinates me, dia tulis in almost all of her posts bragging about her bf and how they dine out at expensive places every time, and tetibe she comes up with a post that people who brag about what they have, actually has nothing to brag about? apekah? mungkin dia terlupa kot about all the past few hundred posts she made ;p

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