Wednesday, July 11, 2012

in the mood for what?

hey people. sup?

yea yea bet youre all good, better than i am obviously, i feel so miserable when i get nauseous after eating. its like , dammit i shouldnt have eaten, but then it wont be good if i din so yea.

so ive been making my self busy in the kitchen for the past couple of days, recalling my cooking skillz and trying to please DH (well yea i dont usually please him this way ;p). dunno if i managed to accomplish the latter, but he din say anything about my food so i guess it was ok. or maybe he just couldnt bother because he was soo hungry. ya i purposely picked times of when he's starving or only just got up from sleep so that he wont actually notice what the hell is it that i fed him with haha. but whats important was that i felt happy doing it, for him so yea, it was something. and another reason i have been cooking was because i miss my mom, like alot. i literally cried when i went groceries shopping because the stuff shed buy and say if it were too expensive or what she'd say when she made me the dishes i like but i dont eat them because im trying to diet but shed make me break my diet anyways by feeding me herself. awhh ;( so i make stuff that she usually makes me even though they arent as good, but it really helps ease the heart a bit.

guess what, its our anniversary today, yay! haha i mentioned this to him earlier this morning but he was like 'dah, bukang boleh celebrate pung' and i went like 'pehal, boleh pe, happy2 kat rumah je sudah ah'. well i really had something in mind for today, but cz we werent open for business for like a couple of days as in we were being super lazy and only wanted to play wow so were like broke so what i thought of will just have to wait for another day.

well my dearest DH, as in today, we have been married for 2 years, hoorahh. been together for like what, 6 years or so? although that doesnt make us understand each other perfectly, were getting there. we both went thru like a whole lot of shit together and i am glad we are still intact weyhh, walopun kekadang aku rasa macam nak lari rumah pegi duduk pusat perlindungan je kan, but i din, cz aku slalu je mintak kat tuhan bagi aku pikir betul2. dan disebabkan aku tak lari, maka aku rasa tuhan suruh aku lepak je kat sini dulu buat bodo. nanti ok la kan. why sarah, why dgn laki ko mintak petunjuk dgn tuhan dgn mak bapak ko tak mintak pun? sebab ko bongok sebok je nak tanya soklan camtu, mana aku tau, ni pun kira aku baru nak beralih pada tuhan la jugak.

apebende la melalut sampai kesini plak hahaha, anyways, happy 2nd anniversary sayang, i hope wed see more anniversaries to come, insyaAllah. and moga dimurahkan rezeki kita tahun ni walaupun u serabut about it im still looking forward to it even if it isnt sure to be yet! amin! oh and moga2 anda berhenti melakukan perangai buruk anda, iaitu ketagih tut. haaa. ini adalah salah satu reason why i feel like running away from you sometimes, thought you ought to know. sakit hati nak mampos tau tak bila aku tgk sendiri. ptuih! oh and amin to the part where i doakan u tinggalkan perangai shaitan ni, haha. lupa plak nak amin, marah sgt la katakan.

footnote: hari kita kawen tu time ni kat siam lagi kan, makan tomyam dgn pok we, baru habis register nikah kat songkhla. ptg baru balik pastu kita yumyumyum mcm tahik ahahha. tapi time tu sweet2 lagi sbb baru kan, skarang ni gaya metal plak. ;p me love you however you are, its something i cannot deny in my heart. how jahat, unsensitive, bitchy you are pun, my love for you just wont go away. well at least for now ; p

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