Thursday, May 17, 2012

Look what gedik-boy got

razer naga epic, bukan yang biasa atau molten, sbb DH mengada sampai nak mengamuk sbb nak yang ni jugak

the naga out of the box

the naga plugged in. you cant see the glowing lights well cz i had flash on

flash-off. it glows many colors.. and its ugly when it does.
so yea, DH bought the razer naga today, eventhough when we made a deal that he'd get it next month, and that it would be the razer naga molten, not the epic one because the epic costs like a hundred bux more just cz it has dual mode (wireless/wired) butttt knowing DH i knew it that he would want to get the best gear when it comes to equipping himself for something he thinks he's soo into (more like 'so into' for the time being la kan, kang bila ada bende baru dah tak pandang dahhh natang ni.. biasa ahh manusia) tapi tak kesa la, cz i like the idea of us having loads of razer stuff for us to brag about lol.

so the naga epic glowed a number of colors when first plugged in, and frankly speaking, i thought it was really ugly when it did so. but yea obviously razer did think of people who wouldnt want it to glow that way so they made an option so that the user could have a single color picked for the mice to be lit with. DH picked green cz he said it looks more 'razer-ish' that way. i thought the epic purple looked cool. but whatever. its his mice.

what i think is cool about the naga epic is that it has an addon for WoW that would recognize the characters you use to log into the game and make the button settings character specific. hell thats super epic, even my nostromo doesnt have that addon! but it does have like the 8 keymaps i told you about so maybe i could share the keymaps with my other characters? or maybe i should just set the same key binds on all my toons so that i can utilize the keymaps for macros? whichever it is i havent really decided yet, cz its really painful to think of how to fully utilize my nostromo keys, seriously. it feels like doing first semester mathematics, and i hate doing first sem maths hence the D lol. but i bet when i get the keys going then it wouldnt be as hard, cz thats how it is with the keys i set up recently.

so since DH owns an epic now, i get to use the DeathAdder. a super nice change for me cz ive been using this really lousy wireless mouse which lags from time to time and has like improper extra button placements. yeuch..

well this is like the happiest thing thats happened this week, since DH's grandmother died last tuesday. DH aku tak tau la, sedih betul dia. kesian aku tgk.

ive never ever seen like a dead person upclose before, well not that i really went up close to her but yea, the distance between me and wang(thats what we call her) was pretty close la masa tu doh.

we didnt really have like a bond or whatever, cz we rarely spoke mainly cz i didnt feel like talking to her. the last time we talked was when we went to visit her(she stayed at DH's aunts house in a nearby area) and it was about children. wang and i, we were alone in the room at that time because DH was somewhere else and she asked me to massage her hands. i din have anything else to do so i obliged.

me: wang, wang rasa susoh dok ada anok rmai?
wang: tadok susoh2 eh.. kite suke je ada anok. kite jualang sume nok wi anok skoloh, nok wi makang. anok sakit kite dokleh nok tido malam, jage anok sakit. kite bukang nok manje ngat ngan anok, ade orang nok manje, kite takde laa..
me: hehe
wang: hm awok tu dok branok2 lagi
me: nok wat gane aming xmboh
wang: xdok org xmboh anok ehh seme nok anok blake
me: yea rightttt aming tak pungg
wang: org le ni nok anok buleh xmboh anok buleh. dulu xdok pilihang gini,
me:hahaha tau takpe wang! bosan tau kene ikut pilihan orang bende camni.

banyak lagi dia cakap tapi aku malas nak type, haha, biar aku ingat sendiri jela. ada bende2 yang dia cakap yang tunjuk dia sayang gila kat anak2 dia even when i din ask her about it.. well i can tell you that shes proud to have children, no matter how bad they seem, dah aku tak tny pun dia cerita, and i can feel her happiness when she talks about them. namanye pun mak kannnnn.

upon remembring this conversation and my final moments with her makes me teary thinking of everything else that has happened that has to do with her for the last few months. how i acted the day she passed away, like not paying my final respects or sleeping in the back when they were waiting for her to be carried away doesnt mean i dont care, its just that it felt really awkward because its not like she wanted me around all the time, im just an outsider who doesnt seem to care about her much. i just thought that her family of whom shes been with for so long deserves the privilege of sending her away more than i do so yeala.. menyorok kat blakang jela aku. haha. tapi tu ahh, yang dialogue atas ni mmg aku mcm sedih sikit la bila ingat balik dia cakap. mak mana tak sayang anak doh. wang ni mcm2 pun tapi dia paksa jugak diri dia terima utk anak dia. even dalam diam pun. maybe mak aku pun camtu gak kot? cuma dia tak sanggup nak mengaku? haha sbb wang macam tu gak!

semoga roh wang dicucuri rahmat-Nya.amin.

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