Monday, April 23, 2012


 smalam aku rsa macam puasa plak. seharian tak makan, lapa gila doh, pagi tu ada la nasi dagang kan, tapi malas ahh aku nak makan, tambah unwanted calories je. so pagi aku g court, buat courtruns and stuff, my calf hurts like shit i tell you, punya la lama tak buat all those runs and court stations, but im lovin it! woohoo! the pain tells me its worth the while so yea. petang plak g swimming, with DH's cousins, tapi tak best sgt sbb pool dia tak best ahh,. haha dah la rmai orang, serabut aku. i asked a friend before going, about how much itd cost per entry, murah je 5bux (padan la macam cokia) and he did warn me that kalau petang mmg macam pasar malam. i din think he literally meant it at that time, cz i was like, how could people swim when its super crowded. bila pegi amekkau.. nak buat satu lap punnn macam ada traffic light je kat dalam pool tu. pool dahla berkeladak, masuk je kabur lalu..patu changing room dia eeee, tak best ah! air kat shower dia tu hekelehh, macam air liur aku meleleh time tido je, sikit nak mampus(cehh sikit ke air liur basi aku ni haha). bende dari mandi 5 menet je jadi stengah jam dok tunggu ke air tu. tak macam clubhouse punye langsung. tapi tu ahh, nak complain sgt pun tak boleh (padahal dah complain dah pun) sbb murah kan, compared to other clubhouses pool entry fee, and its the nearest and most gas efficient place i could go to so aku terima jela dgn mulut yang mmg tak akan henti2 kutuk danau tu sbb tak stylo wakakaka.

lepas swimming tu balik solat2 jap patu kuar g warta nak makan kat mamak. aku memula taknak makan pun sbb mamak kan, biasa dia taruk banyak gila minyak sapi on everything, which makes up for the gazillion calories, mcm buat penat aku exercise je seharian kan tapi consume calorie balik, tapi sbb aku lapar, and aku teringat that tandoori chicken + garlic naan wouldnt harm much, i ordered it. and my oh my did i make the right choice.

the naan was dry, not like the ones i usually eat, bertakung dgn ghee, the chicken tasted fatless and leannnn. omg sedapnye wehh, haha, aku makan laju gila tanpa prejudis pun tau, sbb konfiden betul mmg selamat nak makan natang tu, tanpa risiko melebih2kan calories apart from the amount that i  need. seblum ni i doubt all the foods kat mamak warta tu, jarang2 aku makan kalau ikut cousin DH pegi situ (she likes eating there) but now that i know that they serve real tandoori, its gonna be definite repeats of me eating there .. hoorah for discovering guilt free food!

lepas tu kita masuk giant dlm warta tu pastu kita pun beli marshmallow sbb konfiden sgt ada ruang lagi utk extra calories, hahaha.

'senyum la dohh, asek2 amek gambar muka poyo'
malas nak suruh dah, aku pun wak gini jer
harini kata nak spaghetti marinara w meatballs, im pretty excited on doing the marinara sauce from scratch, tapi DH insists that we get Prego instead because he said takut tak sedap. ehh tolong sikit eh, aku ni masterchef tau, cuma malas nak tunjuk bakat je sbb dapur sempit, taksuka taksuka!

plus takeaway foods costs cheaper than cooking at home, (if not cheaper then more or less the same je) sbb kononnye we buy some 20ringgit ingredients, thinking that we would have it prepared only once for people to grab a meal of it for the whole day, tapi takkan punye, lagi2 DH, mesti habis one shot la. whereas kalau beli kat kedai sama je harga dia yg dah siap (bukan kedai makan yang fancy la, yang tu mmg cekik darah sampai bernanah) maka aku rasa lebih baik beli dari buat. cumanye kalau buat ni mmg puas hati sbb ikut selera sendiri, and its fun to have food made yourself with superb results. no kidding, i love to cook, member2 aku kat matriks sume pun akui the fact that i can and love doing so, jadi ni bukan bende nak up kan diri aku eh. DH boleh laa nak pikir aku malas nak masak ke apa, tapi hakikatnye i need a place and utensils (ni mmg penting bagi aku) which im comfortable with to cook, kalau tak mmg aku rasa serabut nak masak.

nak aku masak buatkan aku dapur best sket with proper cooking utensils and id spend the whole day in the kitchen just to serve you, no problem. hahaha, apa? bini kene masak kalau dok umah? dulu ye laaa, skarang kedai banyak beb, beli je taruk dalam pinggan bagi makan lebih kurang sama je:D

1 comment:

  1. mai u have change a lot.once we use to be frends and got some kenangan back in the old time... kind of forgeting something about that but it was never things about u.... dont know if u still remember me or not... im leaving somewhere in Bandar Baru Bangi... feel free to contact me... BED. email me , would love to get ur no.....
