Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sweet day, literally

since this morning, ive eaten like what, 5 types of sweetsweetsweet foods.marshmallows, milo with marshmallows, kek gula hangus, mcflurry, gula(apehal makan gula je ni? ish ish teruk betul) fattening? i dont think so, haha. most of my friends say that ive lost a prominent amount of weight (can they see how much i weigh?) and i look better than ever.. bodek ke apa ni? wakakka. one of my customers even asked me a rhetoric question of why did i marry early and answered because im pretty and maybe DH was afraid someone else would marry me instead. HAHAHA. suka tau! :D yelah sbb aku rasa aku penah lagi kurus dari skarang, tapi dorang suma kata aku paling kurus skarang. ahh pape je la kan. janji hati aku suka.

seperti biasa, i told DH about it, and he remained motionless as usual. whatever, aku tau dalam hati dia tak terkata tu, hahahaha. my dad does the exact same thing whenever he hears about ppl praising my mum. bende bukan aku sorang je yang kene kan, dah mmg biasa klu orang dah kawin. nak cherish relationship? masa bercinta la wehh.. dah kawin ni lepak guling2 gitu je ah, ahaha. tapi tu lah, diam2 pun hati laki tu mesti bangga klu orang puji bini dia, sbb aku tgk dah ayah aku mcm tu, dgn bini kemain tak layan lagi, tapi depan orang suka nye lahai ada bini camtu kan. like i said before, kalau ko tak kawin, mmg ko takkan paham nye. cara nak tau bende tu camna hanyalah thru experience. like my dad used to say in his motivation camps:
i hear i forget
i see i remember
i do i understand

 of course, you might say, habis tu, arak, dadah, pondan, main bontot, rogol, ronggeng, bunuh orang sume tu? takkan nak rasa dulu baru tau macam mana? haaaa, itu adalah atas desicion memasing la kan. sendiri buat sendiri tanggung consequencesnye di dunia atau diakhirat nnt...

DH dah nak habis levelling.. aku baru lvl 82.. ee gerammnyeeeeee, aku nak main kat pc tak nak main kat laptop, sakit mata, tapi DH asek main je. plus geram mouse kat laptop tu lembap nak mampus. asek hang je. nak beli gaming mouse lagi satu macam tak berbaloi je, sbb laptop cabuk je kot. lagipun kalau ada mouse mesti ada keyboard skali, hehe.

im eating marshies while typing.. nak habis se beg dah yang markenburgs minis ni, rasa nak muntah pun ada, but i cant stop eating them.. how la weh? parok ahh gini.

tgk2 website kat yahoo, patu stumbled upon a show called chowciao. makk aiii, immediately after half an episode, i officially made it my number 1 favourite cooking show. the chef that hosts it, Fabio Viviani, is italian, and damnnn i love his accent and his grammar mistakes. so sexy!lol. hes a good looker himself, a very hearty, funny person and his recipes are really good+simple and i cant stop myself for wanting to watch more of him.. thats how good his sense of humour is. i made his signature alfredo recently, and DH said he liked it, cant wait to try his other recipes.being italian, he uses a considerable amount of wine in his recipes, i wonder what wine tastes like.. and what can i use to replace it that makes food taste exactly the same as it is with it? he used to be one of the contestants in top chef (2 seasons of top chef), got eliminated during the finals of both seasons, for, as he concludes, for being too italian.oh faby you cheeky boy! ;p

ahh i feel pretty happy today, good turnout too, after having a sad night yesterday :) i love you DH

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