Monday, November 10, 2014

Final year project

I'm in my third year now, well, technically. Cz I still have 3 semesters to complete before graduating.. I could say that this sem feels the worst I ever felt. I have so many classes, and I don't seem to be managing my time very well, skipped so much that I think I couldn't actually catch up with what has been taught in class. It's a sad thing to happen and it's pressuring me a bit- I need to score higher than last semester. Would be a shame if I din, my father in law wouldn't be too pleased... He spent a hell lot of money on me!

I enjoy doing my FYP though. i get to do what i want and my supervisor happens to be a cool person, one that i can actually converse with. i dont have to pretend to be someone im not because he is one of the lecturers whom i perceive to be 'open minded'. honestly before, i never thought that we would ever click, from the stories that i heard of him but after spending some time to get to know him i think that people exaggerate things a little to much. not to say that since i enjoy being in his company i take his word for everything, and i have seen quite a lot of people to learn how to judge all bullshit and what not even when i might not be correct about everything, but i get the idea that he is someone that i could get knowledge from. Fuck what others have to say about me working under his supervision, as what matters is that i am learning things. thats what going to school is about, no?

Everyone makes mistakes, and repeating them isnt much of a big deal to me because were only human after all...  were not machines that could operate at high efficiency once calibrated, we humans have so many emotions to consider as to be able not to repeat the same faults again. and it just sucks when you get criticized for it even when theres effort being put in to avoid the flaws. but whatever, maybe its just me thinking of it that way.

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