Saturday, June 25, 2011

macam2 hal laa..

Smalam kuar dgn DH's main family(mak ayah adik dia je, makcik dan cousin2 dan nenek tak ikut sbb kereta sgt kecik and tu pun dah habis seret dah bila naik bumper), i dont know why people keep on sayin bubba gump is good to dine at, coz its not really that good, its mediocre, manhattan is like a cheaper option of it, tak tau laaa sbb ni malaysia punye kan, klu kat overseas much better ke ape.. but appreciate it nevertheless,kang complain byk ada plakkk bunyi kata aku ungrateful wakaka.

so smalam merayau gak la dgn DH sementara tunggu makanan dtg, g kedai game, we wanted to get a better look at the racing cockpit we saw a few months back, time tu tak tgk sgt... skarang dah ada steering jadi tamak la suma nak beli. haha. the table were using now is like, super feeble, bila corner kanan kiri, the table kinda follows suit. tak cukup feel DH kata.

smalam aku tak bawak camera time nak kuar, so pakai yang tenet punya jela. niat di hati ada nak bawak camera tuh tapi macam segan la plak. last2 cam menyesal tak bawak, sbb nak blog takde gambar mcm boring... aku ni kira blogger pemalu laa haha nak amek gambar pun malu hahaha bodo nye lahaii.

anyways, back to the cockpit, cube ko teka how much it sells for? RM1,800 brooo, full set. RM800 utk tmpat letak steering je (which is the front part), yang tmpat letak krusi, skali dgn krusi RM1,000. DH says he'd buy the front part, and then beli separate bucket seat, so that the seat would be movable. Tapi aku nak the whole thing! takmo just the front part, because i like it the way it is,aku taknak krusi tu gerak2, aku taknak pakai krusi tu duduk tgk tv kat depan, because i like things to be made exclusively. especially when it comes to things like this, yang bawak excitement. duduk kat cockpit tu sodap gak, smalam aku try kat kedai game tu, haha, DH tny aku, feel like youre racing la? and i was like, mana nak tau, ive never been in a real race before. but it felt soo good that the seat was low and the wheel being properly in position instead of moving around (like the table prop were using). aku suruh dia duduk takmo. malu kot? wahahha.aku ni malu amek gambar je, bende lain aku tak malu :P

yes i did say id be on the run with DH, i agreed to go with anything that should be done eg: go into hiding, tak kuar rumah ke yada3, so aku ikut je la, bila masa laaa aku mintak nak kuar, kat DH pun aku tak mintak beb, DH yang mintak ada la, aku ni ikut dia je. aku tak turun bawah pun sbb takde bende nak buat, nak tgk tv takleh, dah kat bawah tu ada tv je. baik aku duduk atas, where all entertainment is available to keep me occupied and sane kannn, we go out sometimes, im thankful for that, but this isnt what im usually like, im not the type that does nothing, doing nothing for me means watching tv, gaming, reading. thats doing nothing, otherwise im constantly on the move trying to be fit. im really sorry if you think that i dont know how to mingle, but i do, really, its just that, skarang ni everyone is being paranoid, and dah ckp nak buat mcm i x exist in the house, so i buat je la, hahaha. tak salah kann?

oh and it really isnt my fault that DH suka buat bende tak bagitau aku. klu dia nak makan, dia turun sendiri, sbb takut aku tak bagi makan. dahhhhhh haritu janji dgn aku nak diet. ape cer beb? time2 dia nak makan lepas bgn tido boleh jee aku nak hidangkan, bukan aku tak buat, slalu klu aku turun makan dgn dia mesti aku hidang punya ahh, tapi dah masalahnye aku tak turun, time dia nak turun, tak ajak aku nak makan ke ape, camne aku nak hidang? pakai niat? aku yang tak kesah sgt pasal makanan ni jadi terasa tau, sbb aku bini dia, aku lagi suka makan dgn dia dari makan sensorang. tapi dia tak kesa pun takde aku time nak makan, or time nak buat apa2. tapi klu aku buat, ha siap nak memekak bagai.

aku ni, maybe nampak mcm tak malu, tapi aku segan dohh dgn DH's family. DH senang laa ckp takde bende nak segan, family dia family aku gak. plus dah ada yang having second thoughts, back talks and all, DH should try to protect me. bukan i nak u go against the family tau b, cuma bila ada yang becakap tu, tak payah nak menggelupur lebih. relax la, and answer things to how they are, then it should be fine. bendenye simple je klu suma orang paham cerita sebenar. kan kan kan? contoh dah ada depan mata taknak amek pedoman dan tauladan lagi. susahhhh susahhh.

bestnye klu bole men gt5 pakai cockpit kan syg kan? hahahaha.

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