Monday, March 5, 2012


Have you ever read 'lamb to the slaughter' by roald dahl? Its one from many of his amazing short stories.

Its about a wife whos husband is a police officer whom suddenly decides that he's leaving her with some money for her to start off a new life. The wife was shocked with her husbands decision and decides to murder him with a frozen leg of lamb which she bought earlier that day. When the police came to investigate the murder, she served them the very same lamb leg she hit her husband with, and got away with it as the murder weapon couldnt be recovered and evidence was just too little.

The perfect murder? Haha. Modern technologies couldnt possibly let that happen. Yet its very creative of Dahl to think of it that way.

Ive always loved his writings. Never got bored repeating his books. Evenso i hardly read nowadays.. Too much technology distractions hehe.

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